TOLL FREE: (855) 589-5556
Our goal is simple: To create learning success stories, one student at a time.


Since we opened our doors in 2008, the Learning Center has been helping students fulfill their potential. We do this through personalized differentiated instruction, collaboration with the students' classroom teachers and parents.

 We provide our clients with safe opportunities to grow and develop the tools needed to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency by providing work readiness programs, job placement, and tools for our clients to remain successfully employed.  NHAC provides academic instruction, education support, job readiness training, vocational skills development, entrepreneurship training, case management services, designed to increase the academic achievement of low-performing, disadvantaged youth.  This includes English Learners (EL) and students with disabilities (SWDs). 

Copyright ©  2018, 2019,2020, 2021, 2022 ,2023,2024
 New Hope Academy of Change

September 2024

NHAC Founders  Dr. Greta Price  and Dr. Denice Price attended the Supporting the African American Learner Institute hosted by Los Angeles County Office of Education California School Leadership Academy on Diversity Equity and Inclusion.

New Hope Academy of Change staff attending the 
BSAP Family Reunion. The BSAP Family Reunion was a celebration of the 2024-2025 school year!